Industrial Machine Protection Systems

Megakörük Makina ve Endüstriyel Körük Sistemleri Imalat

Cloth, fabric, sewn with industrial blowers skid protection systems. The fabrics used in the industry are suitable for various functions and properties. Protection against dust , water-based protection against oil boron , bellows types are available that can protect against high temperatures .

Developed and implemented solutions for the environmental conditions of the region you want to protect . PVC material for cloth bellows yataklanarak kızaklarınıza work.

The most economical solution for cloth bellows protection systems , and if the correct product is selected from the very long-lasting.

Cloth -haired blower applications ; cloth, of stainless steel bellows on the 0.5 mm. mounted on thick sheets are manufactured . With stainless steel sheets cloth convertible top fabric does not touch directly on the chip particles . fabric bellows segments inserted between the particles and prevent damage to the chip .

Bellows -haired cloth, stainless steel sheets by printing a self-cleaning feature on each other . In this way, maintenance-free.

Ergonomically designed stainless steel sheets and cloth -haired blowers can be easily installed on your system .

Bellows Shaft and bearing shafts, ball screws, dust, wood shavings , used for protection against the harmful of mineral oils . May be manufactured in the form of circular or rectangular .

Allowing movement of the ball screw actuator shaft bellows particular set of machines , while maintaining your machine precision and long -term operation.

In Mega Koruk, we produce; Bellows Cloth , Sledge protection bellows , telescopic bellows , bellows Milling , Laser bellows , bellows axis , producing plasma chambers .


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